February 2024: Woohoo! Lab Celebration! Big Congratulations to Gustavo Della-Flores Nunes and Lindsay's in NC paper, Michael Thornton's accepted Nature Neuroscience Paper, our new rotation students, plus more! We're crushing it!
Lab Celebration

The Lab celebrating the Autobahn paper submission! Cheers!

Submission success !

Michael showing his research at 2023 Society for Neuroscience Conference

Rongchen and Lindsay Presenting their research to MS patients and donors

Lab Celebrating Michael's Thesis Defense

Dr. Michael Thornton

Michael Thornton Thesis Defense Presentation

Alex at PennPrep!

February 2024: Starting the year stronger than ever with this new preprint paper, led by Gustavo Della-Flores Nunes and Lindsay Osso, and in collaboration with the Denman lab and Autobahn Therapeutics. This paper dives deep into myelin repair, remyelination therapies, and neural function. Check out the pre-print here!
December 19, 2023 : Congratulations Lindsay Osso, Nature Neuroscience has accepted our review on pre-existing myelin dynamics!! You can read it here
November, 2023 : Michael's Thornton paper "Long-term in vivo three-photon imaging reveals region-specific differences in healthy and regenerative oligodendrogenesis." is accepted in principle at Nature Neuroscience read the pre-print version here!
November, 2023 : Michael's Stockon presenting his fascinating data and thesis project regarding the dynamics of OPC's quiescence survival and demyelination during 2023 Society for Neuroscience Conference! Amazing work Michael!
October, 20 2023 : Rongchen from the Welle Lab, and Lindsay present current research and advances to MS patients NMSS Myelin Tour
October 6, 2023 : A heartfelt and big congratulations goes to Michael Thornton for his successful thesis defense!
October, 2023 : We eagerly welcome our new lab member to our team, Yessenia Mancha! We're excited to have you join us!
August, 2023 : Kristen Schuster has been awarded a competitive slot on Neuroscience T32 Training Grant. Congratulations!
July, 2023 : We are excited to welcome Kristen Schuster to the lab for her thesis work! Welcome to the team!
July, 2023: Michael T. organized "Special Trainee Symposium" at Euroglia 2023.
July, 2023: New Lab R01! Our project is entitled "in-vivo three photon microscopy of the cortical gray and white matter"
April, 2023 : Ecstatic to announce Dr. Lindsay Osso has been awarded the National MS Society Post Doctoral Fellowship and the Department of Defense Multiple Sclerosis Research Program Early Investigator Research Award.
March 9th, 2023 : Congratulations to Ethan Hughes, for being selected as Co-Chair of the 2027 Gordon Research Conference on Glial Biology: Functional Interactions Among Glia and Neurons.
February, 2023 : Dr. Gustavo Della-Flora Nunes has been awarded the IMSVISUAL Symposium Travel Grant, The National MS Society Travel Grant, and the ACTRIMS FORUM 2023 Educational Grant. Amazing job! Congratulations Gustavo!
July 1st, 2022: Gustavo has been awarded a 3 year post-doctoral fellowship from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.
June 27th, 2022: Congratulations to Ethan on the promotion to Associate Professor with Tenure.
June 10th, 2022: Check out our new paper "Motor Learning Drives Dynamic Patterns of Intermittent Myelination on Learning-activated Axons" on bioRxiv. You can read it here.
May, 2022: Undergraduate researcher Alex Ramirez graduates as a Gardner scholar and is off to PennPrep to do more research! Congrats Alex.
May, 2022: Ethan and Michael present new 3-photon work at the Myelin Gordon Conference in Italy!
Alex presenting her research.

Ethan presenting at Myelin Gordon

Michael's 3P poster at Myelin Gordon Conference
March 19, 2022: Our first Optics paper has been published in The Journal of Neurophotonics. Great work characterizing fluorescent reporters for simultaneous dual-color 3-photon imaging. You can read it here.
November 30, 2021: Michael Stockton passed his comprehensive exam today! Congrats to the Hughes lab's newest PhD Candidate.
September 2, 2021: What a year! The Hughes lab welcomes two new Postdoctoral Researchers - Gustavo Della Flora Nunes and Lindsay Osso, a Masters Student - Johana Haynes, a Professional Research Assistant - Lauren Conant, and a Undergraduate Researcher - Alex Ramirez. We're going to need more space!
July 21th, 2021: Check out our new review article from Michael Stockton and Ethan Hughes reviewing Premyelinating Oligodendrocytes in Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. You can read it here.

May 18th, 2020: Woohoo! First paper from the lab is published online @NatureNeuro! You can read it here.
April 29th, 2020: We are excited to welcome Michael Stockton to the lab for his thesis work!
Cheers to the first beers of summer!

The lab celebrating another successful comps exam.
April 13th, 2020: Congratulations to our own surgeon extraordinaire, Helena Barr, for deciding to join Harvard University's PhD Program in Neuroscience Class of 2020!
April 11th, 2020: Our first review from the lab is now published! Great job Michael Thornton putting this together, lots of cool ideas. You can read the review here.
March 2nd, 2020: Our first manuscript out of the lab has been accepted! You can read the pre-print here. Let the celebrations begin with some mad sabering skills!

February 18th, 2020: Congratulations to Courtney Dobrott for a highly successful rotation and a great rotation talk entitled "Cholinergic signaling as a mechanism for regional oligodendrogenesis during motor learning."
January 29th, 2020: Very excited about the lab's first pre-print on bioRXiv! You can read the pre-print here.
Congrats Michael on passing comps!

Summer student Alejandra showing off her research!

Turns out you can saber bottles with a spoon.

Cheers to a successful month of science in January 2020!

Golden hour in Keystone for the NSP retreat.
January 23rd, 2020: Exciting news, we got our first R01! Our project entitled "The role of myelination in cortical circuit function and motor behavior" will be conducted in conjunction with the Welle lab.
November 15th, 2019: Hughes Lab served some fresh data at the Neuroscience Program Retreat in Keystone this year! Clara and Helena presented posters on the effects of motor learning on oligodendrocyte lineage cells, Michael showed some great data on new approaches to multi-photon imaging, and Dailey presented her work characterizing population-level changes in neuronal activity throughout de- and re-myelination. Finally, Ethan gave a talk on surviving oligodendrocytes that participate in remyelination.
November 12th, 2019: Congratulations to Michael Stockton and Ian Purvis for their hard work in the lab and their great rotation talks entitled "Oligodendrocyte integration during motor learning" and "Oligodendrocyte precursor cell dynamics in a novel mouse model of MS."
October 20th, 2019: Great minisymposium on myelin degeneration and remyelination at the 2019 Society for Neuroscience Meeting. Ethan presented our recent finding that mature oligodendrocytes that survive demyelination can participate in remyelination.
October 12th, 2019: Congrats to Michael for passing his Comprehensive Exam. His fantastic talk drew a huge crowd!
October 1st, 2019: The Mouse Master himself Anthony Chavez has joined the lab as a full-time PRA. Thrilled to have him on board!
August 4th, 2019: Ethan, Clara, Dailey, and Helena all presented different pieces of our gigantic project at the International Society for Neurochemistry Meeting in Montreal, Quebec. Highlights include that mature oligodendrocytes can contribute to remyelination, that motor learning can stimulate remyelination by new and surviving oligodendrocytes, and that demyelination induces neuronal hyperexcitability in motor cortex!

April 27th, 2019: Clara and Helena won awards for Best Poster Presentations at the 2019 Rocky Mountain Regional Neuroscience group meeting in Denver, CO! Their back-to-back posters gave a full recap of how motor learning modulates oligodendrogenesis from the population to single-sheath level in health and disease.
Michael passed his comps! #FirstGradStudent

The team made it to Montreal!

Ask us how we ended up stranded at Time's Square